
Frequently Asked Questions

Why Learn Egyptian Arabic

Learning Egyptian Arabic has many benefits. Primarily, it is the most widely spoken Arabic dialect, making it a crucial tool for communication across Arabic-speaking nations. Its widespread understanding throughout the Middle East and North Africa is largely due to Egypt's influential media, including films, television shows, and music.

Furthermore, mastering Egyptian Arabic can serve as an entry point to other Arabic dialects, given its broad recognition and its similarities to Modern Standard Arabic. For travelers, expatriates, and those interested in Middle Eastern studies, Egyptian Arabic is exceptionally practical. It enhances cultural experiences, improves social interactions, and deepens understanding of the region's history and current affairs. Ultimately, the advantages of learning Egyptian Arabic go beyond language skills, providing a strong foundation for deeper engagement with the Arab world.

Why Pay?

To cover server costs, Open AI credits, and the creation of learning materials from professional Arabic teachers, including conversations and sentence by sentence audio.

You are paying to support an independent designer & developer who is passionate about this project, 100% of your subscription dues goes towards the active development of Parallel Arabic.

If you really want to use the platform but cannot afford it at this time, just email me at

How to get the most out of Parallel Arabic

The materials on Parallel Arabic are not going to make you fluent in Egyptian Arabic. They are meant to be a supplement to your learning. The best way to use Parallel Arabic is to use it in conjunction with a course or a tutor.

Learning Arabic as an English speaker is challenging, and there is no silver bullet other than consistent study.

I recommend the following to make consistent progress:

  • Weekly Lessons on Italki, while saving vocab and reviewing via anki
  • Working through the materials on Parallel Arabic outside of class (Reading, writing, verb conjugations, listening comprehension)
  • Utilizing other Anki Decks
  • Watching Egyptian movies or TV shows on Netflix or Shahid